The InnTeck Glide Kit replaces the stock cartridge rod seals and air divider pistonseals in the new Showa SFF-Air TAC fork would they be the Honda or Kawasaki/Suzuki variants.
The Showa SFF-Air TAC fork features many internal seals and 3 of the 6 seals aresubject to very high pressures, therefore generating much more seal drag (friction)and stick-slip when compared to conventional forks.
InnTeck utilized world class bearing and seal manufacturer SKF’s expertise increating replacement seals that feature less seal drag (friction), less stick- slipand better sealing. This was accomplished by using an SKF special compoundwith tailored seal design. Combining SKF technology with dedicated machinedcomponents, allows InnTeck to accomplish better sealing capabilities, less dragand reduced stick-slip while being able to use 1 cartridge seal in place of 3 or 2.Therefore eliminating two points of seal drag!
The updated forks benefit from less seal drag (friction) and virtually eliminated stick-
slip. The rider will immediately feel better small bump absorption during braking, lessarm pump and smoother feel. The reduced friction also allows for better damping,making the forks now more responsive to clicker settings.